Integrate our Formtopia Web Component into your site with basic HTML.
Install the Formtopia script into your site to enable the form component:
If you've already done this, you can skip to the next step.
<script src=""></script>
Add the component to your markup where you want to actually display the form:
This uses a Web Component, which may not be supported by some older browsers.
<formtopia-form key="YOUR_FORM_KEY">
<!-- You can optionally override your form schema inside this tag -->
You can override the dashboard-configured form schema by writing FormML™ inside the component:
<formtopia-form key="YOUR_FORM_KEY">
In this example, regardless of what content is set in the PowCloud dashboard, the form will show the content generated by the name,email,country
FormML, but will still show up in the dashboard under the list of entries for the provided form key.